Spanish Vocabulary for the Coronavirus Pandemic

Our day-to-day life has been upended with COVID-19. While it would be nice to just ignore it and have it all go away, that is not our current reality.  Many of us, including myself, have felt helpless in this situation. It recently dawned on me that while I am not a medical provider, I am a Spanish teacher that can compile a list of Spanish vocabulary for those providing care to Coronavirus/COVID-19 patients in order to help bridge the communication gap. Please print out this list to share with others who may need it. If I missed any that you need, please leave me a message below and I will be sure to add it right away! If you would like a structured course to improve your Spanish, click here to learn about our self-paced or instructor-led online Medical Spanish courses.

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The Noun "Coronavirus"

The word coronavirus, just like the Spanish word virus, is the same in singular or plural forms in Spanish. For example:

  • el coronavirus, el virus

  • los coronavirus, los virus

Coronavirus is a masculine noun made up of two words: corona, meaning crown, and virus, meaning virus. There is no need for spaces or hyphens as it is just one word.

General Nouns

Let's start out with some common nouns when talking about Coronavirus or COVID-19. All of the following vocabulary lists will be organize by first in English, followed by Spanish, and then a phonetic pronunciation of the Spanish word. ¡Vamos!

  • coronavirus = el coronavirus

  • COVID-19 = COVID-19

  • outbreak = el brote

  • pandemic = la pandemia

  • quarantine = la cuarentena

  • social distance = la distancia social

  • test = la prueba

  • crisis = la crisis

  • disinfectant = el desinfectante

  • hand sanitizer = el desinfectante para manos

  • emergency = la emergencia

  • hotspot (site with multiple cases of infection) = el foco de contagios

  • infection = la infección

  • isolation = el aislamiento

  • mask = la mascarilla

  • negative test = la prueba negativa

  • people who have no symptoms (asymptomatic) = las personas asintomáticas

  • person-to-person transmission = la transmisión secundaria

  • positive test = la prueba positiva

  • preventative isolation = el aislamiento preventivo

  • risk of infection = el riesgo de infección

  • self-isolation = el aislamiento en su domicilio

  • sickness/disease = la enfermedad

  • soap = el jabón

  • transmission = la transmisión

General Verbs

 The following verbs are in the "infinitive" form - meaning that they haven't yet been changed according to the subject.

to breathe


to clean


to cough


to cover


to have


to isolate


to need


to separate yourself

mantener alejado

to sneeze


to maintain a social distance (of 6 feet)

mantener un distanciamiento físico (de seis pies)

to wash



Using some of the verbs above, these phrases have been conjugated so that you are able to use them for your patients and their families.

Clean all “high-touch” surfaces every day.

Limpie todos los días todas las superficies de contacto frecuente.

Cover your coughs and sneezes.

Cúbrase la nariz y la boca al toser y estornudar.

Separate yourself from other people in your home.

Manténgase alejado de otras personas en su casa.

Wash your hands often.

Lávese las manos con frecuencia.

Wear a mask.

Use una mascarilla.


Now it is time to ask our patients about their symptoms. Here are some of the more common phrases that you may see patients come in with.

Do you have...


a cold

un catarro, un resfrío

body aches

dolores de cuerpo







difficulty breathing

dificultad para respirar

dry cough

tos seca





flu-like symptoms

síntomas similares a los de la gripe


dolor de cabeza

light symptoms

sintomas leves



productive cough


runny nose (formal)

secreción nasal

runny nose (informal)


shortness of breath

falta de aire

sore throat

dolor de garganta

stuffy nose

nariz tapada




 After you learn of the patient's symptoms, you may need to say some of the following symptoms when talking about the next steps.

I’m going to perform a test for COVID-19

Voy a hacer una prueba para COVID-19

I’m going to swab your nose/the back of your throat with this cotton bud.

Voy a tomar una muestra de la nariz/garganta con este hisopo de algodón.

The results will be ready in ... hours/days.

Los resultados estarán listos en ... horas/dias.

We have received the test results.

Tenemos los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio.

You have tested positive/negative for COVID-19.

La prueba de COVID-19 salió positiva/negativa.

Your symptoms are not typical of COVID.

Sus síntomas no son típicos del COVID.

Diagnosis and Treatment

 Once the tests have come back, now you can give your patients a diagnosis and treatments options.

You have...



el/los coronavirus



an infection in the lungs

una infección en los pulmones

a respiratory virus

un virus respiratorio

the flu

el gripe (la gripa-Mexico)

a cold

un catarro/un resfrío

You need...


antiviral treatment

un tratamiento antiviral

supportive care/palliative care

cuidados paliativos

intensive care unit

una unidad de cuidados intensivos

You have to remain isolated at home ... days.

Es necesario que se quede en casa, en aislación ... días.

Do not leave your house.

No salga de su casa.

If your symptoms worsen, seek medical attention immediately.

Si los síntomas se agraven, busque ayuda médica de inmediato.

Drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated.

Tome mucho líquido para permanecer hidratado.

You need to look out for any difficulty with breathing. If this happens, seek medical attention.

Hay que estar alerta si siente una dificultad para respirar. En este caso, busque ayuda médica de inmediato.

Statistics and Conditions

You see the numbers and statistics daily. Let's see how to express those in Spanish.

number of infected

suma de infectados

those affected

los afectados

those admitted to the hospital

los ingresados


los recuperados


muerto, fallecido


serious condition

situación clínica grave

critical state

estado crítico

Miscellaneous Phrases

Finally, I have some other questions and phrases that you may find useful.

Have you been in close contact with someone who is known to have COVID-19?

¿Ha estado en contacto cercano con una persona que se sepa que tiene el COVID-19?

Do you have health insurance?

¿Tiene seguro médico?

Do you need us to contact your family?

¿Necesita que contactemos con su familia?

There was a possible exposure.

Había una posible exposición.

There is no vaccine for COVID.

No hay vacuna contra el COVID.

Stay home.

Quédese en casa

Last but not least...

I hope you found these Spanish vocabulary words and phrases helpful as you continue to help your Spanish-speaking patients. Thank you for all that you are doing!


"Easy" Spanish Verbs


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